Unity is strength

Alone or with others to offer you skills where you need them and when you need them.
It is often difficult for a business leader to master all areas of intervention when it comes to marketing and communication. It is for this reason thatI am not an agencyhelps youfind talent which would be useful for you to traina network of expertsà la carte and thus best meet your needs. Thanks to our structure, you have practical, quality solutions and you only pay for what you need.

Who are we ?
We are a group of freelancers specializing in marketing and communication, ready to listen and help and advise you.

at hand

Make it easy for you
the life
Thanks to a network of professionals acquired over the years, we can offer you talents in different fields of communication and marketing.
From a simple flyer to your overall brand image,I am not an agencytakes care of the management of teams and skills so that you stay focused on your core business.Collaborating has never been easier.

A la carte team
recruited for you!

Artistic directions
& creative
Communication :
announcements & press relations...
Brand images:
website, development
packaging, logos…
Strategies & Animations
social networks
motion design
3D artists


Strategic marketing
and operational
- Customer and market vision
- Strategy and Positioning
- Commercial & marketing action plan and implementation

Digital communication
à la carte

of experts

Some answers



Specialized printers

Developers web

Is she

To fart


But who is driving?

It's me, Laetitia
“I am above all an entrepreneur who speaks the same language as her clients and who prefers to present herself as a partner, seeking above all proximity in order to better support them.I am not an agencyexists since 2015 and was born from the desire to offer SMEs the same skills as in an agency, but in a more flexible, more personalized way and based on a relationship of trust between people rather than between entities.
Alone, we go faster but together, we go further! »
Why am I not an agency?
I started alone, in 2015, so I was not an agency but a Freelancer, artistic director, graphic designer who sold print or web design. I had set up a collective in Bordeaux where I used to live. All of this was a bit blurry for my clients, a lot of marketing gibberish…
So I said, laughing to simplify: "actually, I'm not an agency but it's just like". And it stayed!
My journey in a few dates...
I return to the CJD Avignon.The School of Leaders. It's a rich human adventure that allows me to further develop my skills as a business leader and to be part of an ecosystem of entrepreneurs and SMEs.The association is committed to reinventing our models in all CSR dimensions.


Creation ofI am not an agency. Helping companies to highlight their values as well as their products has become my professional and personal goal. Every day I put my values at the service of inspiring companies.
I go into aagency specializing in CSR communication and social marketing.This experience changes the perception of my work, and gives meaning to my profession.

I spent more than 15 years in large communication agencies such asPublicis,DDB Chilli, Dufresne-Corrigan-Scarlettin specific areas such as agri-food and distribution, with a portfolio of national key account customers such asCarrefour, Auchan, Botanic, Naturalia, Midas, Fischer Tradition, Nestlé…